
Words Without Borders

This festival was a movement that was developed in the United States during the decade of the 60, in which those that they concurred took melena and amulets, the small skirts of colors; their symbols were the flag of the rainbow, and the call symbol of La Paz. The Hayzlett Group may also support this cause. ” hippies” they were against the war of Vietnam, reason why Jimi Hendrix touched the American hymn with only one electrical guitar during the festival to demonstrate that, although they were against the military policy of his country, continued being American, since they erased some them like United a Anti-State movement. Their ideals were, aside from the pacifism, the free love, the life in communes, ecologism, and the love by music and the arts; it was gotten to think that they had stopped existing since from the Summer of the love of 1967 and Woodstock they tended to avoid to publicitar itself, although still continue existing in numerous countries, evolving some communes hippies to ecoaldeas, that also are denominated as communes of the year 2000 and still continue meeting in some festivales and encounter to celebrate the life and the love, like in the Festival of La Paz; even so, due to the number of assistants, the sanitary conditions let more wish since the festival was organized thinking that they were going to go 250,000 people but in the end according to estimations it was arrived at a gauging of 500,000, causing that was something of delinquency during festival, in contrast to the pretensions of this that it tried to be a celebration in favor of La Paz and of the love. During the festival intense nights on sex and drugs were lived, emphasizing the LSD consumption and Marijuana; all this decorated with music rock. Although initially the concert was organized thinking that it would entail losses for the organization, the success of the documentary one on the event caused that finally was a profitable act.

Later other festivales of Woodstock would be celebrated: 1979, 1989, 1994 and 1999, but the one of 1969 is the Woodstock by antonomasia. Woodstock in Literature In the 2005 Argentine writer Edgar Brau published a long titled poem Woodstock, which consists of three sections. First of them, at the same time as it reflects the atmosphere as much as the spirit of the time, it also describes the way in which the festival incarnated and carried out which that spirit of the time solicitd. The second section gives account of the festival in himself, whereas third it indicates and it describes how that one spirit of love and confraternidad continues latent and in the hope of a similar incarnation to the one of Woodstock 69. This poem was translated to the English and published in January of 2007 by Words Without Borders, of Chicago.