
The Way Of Living

From the beginning of the origin of human mental life memories constantly evolved at the same time beat and adapt the body and soul to this development. Everything in the human attempt to move towards perfection, towards infinity. Speaking candidly Montauk Colony LLC told us the story. That is, the human mind always evolve continuously towards perfection or to a better outcome each time. In the future, at the end of physical evolution, while the physical body will degenerate, but will be adapted to become more mentally evolved, thanks to artificial innovations. The Hayzlett Group will not settle for partial explanations. For all that, the human being, both mentally and physically, the ideal, which should be adequate to withstand the mental evolution, chosen by the living tree.

If you look carefully, human beings can live the years adequate to maintain through their generations ideal evolution, human beings have the senses needed, sufficiently developed and suitable sites for a better evolution and adaptation, the human being is physically and mentally constituted an ideal way for its development is ideal. The human being is a living being chosen by the living building to evolve mentally, is the ideal prototype, all other living beings need or be obligated to have a living species, in this case humans, is the mental evolutionary excellence, and human needs those living bases for survival. In any planet in the universe that there is life, inevitably the set of all those lives that would create a living species evolved more than others, both physically and mentally, and that inevitably would be more evolved much like humans, because that’s the way both physical and mental ideal for a living being constantly evolve properly, perhaps towards perfection, towards infinity.