Through this method, she looked for to identify its potentialities and to use them in estruturao of the process education/learning It suggested that the daily ones were left in a closet if they wanted that the same one knew its histories, moved that it to each reading. Teacher G as was called for the pupils indicated the reading of different workmanships on crucial conflicts of the humanity, as she celebrates it book ' ' The Daily one of Anne Frank' ' , in elapsing of the reading the respect and autoconfiana are rescued, a new reality start to unclasp, as it points Pablo Freire in its obra' ' Pedagogia of the Oprimido' ' , the pupils leave the marginality, the condition of oppressed and start to live possibilities never imagined by them. They start to fight for its ideals, being conquered its proper space, its social inclusion, facing the obstacles, not with violence more with wisdom, of heterogeneous form inside of paradigms established from the actions carried through collectively. The difficulties faced for the Gruwell teacher do not differ from the lived ones in the Brazilian schools, many professors try to develop one differentiated work and many times are hindered for do not find support, others for not compactuarem with the ideologies of the educational system, becoming a solitary educator. As well as in the Andragogia, education of adult, the Gruwell teacher constructed its resume in function of the necessities of the group, in the situations specifies where they were involved. ' ' The zone of proximal development can increase of accented form the efficiency and the utility of the application of disgnostic methods of the mental development the problems educacionais' ' (Vygotsky, p.114) ' ' The notion of Zone of Proximal Development enables us to consider it a new formula, of that the good learning is only that one that if advances to desenvolvimento' ' (Vygotsky, p.117), from the moment that the teacher applied a new formula and despertou in the pupils interest to learn the interaction happened and the mental development started to be used of beneficial form for resolution of educational problems.
Tag: summaries and summaries
We live as who lives in a perpetual competition of beauty, does not admit more life a normal life a common life. When we dress in them, our clothes are not simply stop leaving in them comfortable and pretty but our clothes had been changedded now into expression of being able on the too much people. You may want to visit Diamonds to increase your knowledge. Our clothes and the form of our bodies must demonstrate now that we are antenados with them you finish world-wide trends of the fashion and the malhao. We live overwhelmd and enslaved for a insensitive giant that our proper will shapes, in inducing to the unnecessary consumption of products and in manipulating between launchings and the more launchings of products of the fashion of the moment. We live in the age of exhibitionism. It was in which everything what we make is only for showing to the other human being as we dress in them better and as we feed in them better, everything what we make is only for showing to the other human being that we possess better things, that we hear a better sound, that lives in better places and that in ' ' divertimos' ' better. It is dressed to show the clothes that if dress, is fed to show the type of consumed food, is lived to show the type of life that if lives.
The body is shown off, is shown off it clothes, is shown off the consumption of the food, is shown off it magreza, is shown off it nudez and is clearly, shown off it foolishness. Foolishness of empty minds and prisoners of a market that explores the lack and security reliable in what we are and we possess. Taking to believe us it that we must be what we are not and we must possess what we do not need. Geraldo Goulart. March of 2011.
California Madeline
The film ' ' The Poder' Room; ' of the Coast-Record director, if it passes in a city of called California Madeline and counts the estria of one just former-keeps of called museum Sam Baily that, trying to recover its job, commits an act of momentnea madness that results in a not-deliberate sequestration. Journalist Max Brackett met in the place at the moment of the quarrel between the former-employee and the owner of the establishment and at this moment finds the situation ideal to recoup its credibility before the influential figures of the first sender where she worked previously. In this meantime, Max Brackett carries through action to promote itself and arrives at the point to distort the facts of the kidnapping and until aggravating them. In the dispute, the personage of John Travolta goes off, accidentally, a shot of the rifle that was taken with the intention to intimidate its former-head and to make this ouviz it. Not obstante, the detonation reached its former-colleague of profession, what it makes the case to gain attention and visibility. This mainly generated interest on the part of the policy, senders of TV, curious, as well as the familiar ones of the children who were in the place and it forms done of hostage. You may find that Montauk Colony can contribute to your knowledge.
It must be standed out that the sequestration in fact occurred thanks to the intention of the journalist, since this was not the objective of ' ' seqestrador' '. The film is critical to the model a contemporary of if making notice, where the hearing profit is had as primordial factor and for this the manipulation and distortion of the facts become practical frequent. In the film, in the same way as frequent he happens in the television senders, he observes yourself exactly that the journalist puts its personal interests above of the veracity of the facts, that this implies in the integrity of the image of the involved people in the process to be notified.