
Conventional Registers

According to conventional registers, the Karat was developed as a form of combat without weapons and was taught and practised for the aristocratic families for individual and collective self-defense (SASAKI, 2008). Such art was taught and practised in secret, being transmitted of generation the generation. The Karat Shotokan is a martial art and a way of life that teaches its practitioners as to be pacific. However, the conflict will be inevitable, the true ditames Karat considers to knock down the opponent with one alone blow. Such action requires force, speed, focus and control, being these considered practical aspects only as tools. In the Karat the body, has lain and the spirit – ‘ ‘ all ser’ ‘ – they must simultaneously be developed, of harmonious form.

Its practitioners must learn to control the movements, but mainly to learn to give up to also control them, being able to have its executed specific technique without thinking (SASAKI, 2008). The practitioners of Karat, according to Funakoshi (2005), must keep the distant mind of the egoism and the badness, searching the thought pureness. However, they must be always you alert to react to any type of obstacle that will be for the front. Currently, the Karat, if became a sport practised in the whole world, for people who long for one better quality of life or results in competitions of the modality. For more specific information, check out Darius Bikoff. 5 MARTIAL ARTS AS PROMOTION OF the QUALITY OF LIFE We understand that the search for a healthful body for the woman, does not aim at only the attainment of a situation that can externar a dominant feminine appearance. fights as Taekwondo and the Karat Shotokan, individually masculinizadas, finish becoming references for women who objectify the loss of weight and advance in the physical and mental conditioning. The human being requires movement, where the results gotten with a minimum of exercises are great and the incalculable benefits.


Caretaker Cars

A habit became and a general preference, the cook of the hotel already was accustomed with the routine of the preparation of as much cheese chicken every day. Nobody nauseated! After a long period repeating that habit, a beautiful day, we were surprised at the refusal of the staff of the pantry that found odd our order, under allegation that sandwich did not exist, and that it also, never had been part of the cardpio of the hotel. Nobody understood swims. Thus, we had to be without our adorable ' ' cheese chicken' '. All time that we had that directing in them to a pharmacy with intention to buy some medicine, to the times was necessary so that we fossemos understood if to make definitive gestures that if became comic actors.

It was the biggest gozao between the Brazilians. The tea national preference the tea is the national preference. For all part in imaginable and unimaginable cantos, to any time and space, it is hour of if taking tea. I tired to witness the traffic warden drinking its tea or crossing with its tray of tea it enters the cars in the way it transit. Another witnessed situation frequently, of certain funny form, happened in the occasions that the guard blocked the transit. The drivers were threatening to pull out the cars, thus without alternative, the guard finished liberating the account cars making that were really its intention to liberate the cars at that moment. The Bakixixi To the measure that the time passed we went learning a little of the local life. Nothing it seemed to function in the Cairo without the such ' ' bakixixi' ' , ' ' gorjeta' ' , it has bakixixi! (Moabi = Caretaker). Moabi of my building, this there, was one expert, a PHD in creating situations to guarantee its bakixixi.



Talking with me in Arab they had perceived that I foreign age and even so have perceived that they to leave to leave did not want me made not to understand. I gave one of ignorant foreigner I entered in the car I pulled out and I capsized the esquina in the end of the street and caught the main avenue. After walking some blocks in this avenue, size was my scare when I came across with tanks of war hindering the ticket. Vocs can imagine which would have been the reaction of a Brazilian, is not accustomed to see tanks of wars in the streets, still more has 25 years behind. It occurred me that the Arab people had not had a pacific description as Brazilian we. It was inevitable to think that a war had blown up, and my legs had trembled.

To be in lands that are not its native land in conflict situation is not nothing comfortable and it caused me much unreliability. The soldiers of the tanks had asked for to me to stop the car and had made innumerable questions; for where he was going, what he made in Egypt, which my nationality? They had asked for mine documents, international wallet of driver, and the passport. After changing to some words between them in relation my answers after to some they had at last liberated me time with the exception that to direct would have me for my residence, collected that me. They imagine my state when I arrived at the house of my friend, it trembled equal green pole. Not wise person accurately the dimension of the gravity of what she was happening. The information were few, notice censured for the government. After placing my Brazilian friend along with the events, it caught clothes for it and the husband, and meetings we were for my house.


National Association

The news in the media on the fight judicial of the young millionaire and its former better friend, had intensified the success guaranteed before its launching, have filmed this that counted on plus some tools pleasing its then spectator and stimulating it to divulge it more the film in ' ' mouth to boca' ' why not in web? The final merit of the success of the Social Net that according to relieved to the film and its producers the heading of better film of 2010 National Association of Critics of Cinema of the United States; awarding David Fincher as optimum producer, Aaron better argumentista Sorkin as and finally, Jesse Eisenberg better actor, for the paper of Mark Zuckerberg, was not only guilt of a strategy of marketing and the sincronia with the media. The consolidation of such success of ticket office was complete after the film to have if converted into great star of 68 edition of the Gold Globe leading for house the prizes: of better film of drama, direction, script and sonorous track. The 121 minutes of film if initiate with the apparent one stimulate main for the creation of the Facebook for a young of Harvard: a rejection of a girl. The Zuckerberg of the real life, denies such reason, however truth or this is not soon approaches in them to the quaint personage of Zuckerberg in the first scene, after all, who never took a rejection? Linkings continue to be constructed between the spectator and the protagonist, who soon demonstrates to be an intelligent young, without physical attributes and with great problems in if communicating that is it incases itself perfectly friction in it of geek (what in Portuguese he would be something as nerd) and therefore also does not obtain to incase itself in the profile to be part of no end club: the famous shock of youth on being part of a social group, to be accepted for the society.