
Dindinha Family

Chapter IX – AdolescnciMinha adolescence was initially marked for the death of my Dindinha great-grandmother, despertando the philosophical curiosity to know ' ' why ' ' of everything. In this phase, I made solid my referring slight knowledge to the importance of the friends, also started to hierarquizar my priorities in the personal life, wrong started to value more my friends of what my familiar. Namoro initiated mine partially mature, more lasting until then – one week -, also started to go shows and ballads, to travel alone, and to as much the shyness made me contact to lose all, becoming me a more communicative person and extending my folder of friendships quickly. As I was saved of these freedoms for much time, I became a vulnerable person psychologically, and filosofava the time all, were infinite the questions that emerged daily of my mind. This vulnerability gave to space the non-observance of the domain that the vice of alcoholic beverages was assuming in me, drank frequently – in such a way socially how much inebriating itself -, this reason searched to eliminate little of shyness that still it existed in me, when arriving in house, as it had learned with my Rick cousins and Danilo, brushed teeth and slept soon so that nobody perceived.

After that my mother discovered that she was pregnant, what she would come to alliviate to me provisorily, therefore in the same day that it discovered that she waited twin, occurred a spontaneous abortion, she left what it extremely shaken e, in such a way, I could not say everything suffocated that me, getting worse my psychological state. Although these normal problems that did not harm outrem, the revolt never was part of my heart, and I always kept the education given for my family stops with the oldest and too much relatives. My hurt in the truth, always was internal, for leaving all of to deal with me to the family as object model, to who the too much members of the family would have to copy so that it attracted the envy of other people.


City of Salvador

The city of Salvador, with its invitations the paradisiacal idealizaes, obtains to occult the reality of its misery and its social conflicts. The media, in turn, divulges the myth of ‘ ‘ Land of the Felicidade’ ‘ the campaigns politics propagate the idea of that the people has ‘ ‘ Pride of to be baiano’ ‘ to enrich the public coffers through the tourism industry. The bare-footed momos, for example, never will appear in the card-postcards and the advertising campaigns. Clearly! If its speeches are inaudveis? The deposition of the inhabitants of the Shelter of the Plaza of Rome on the policemen and the violence (‘ ‘ in the truth they are there for whom they are in blocos’ ‘ 2007, P. 3) and on the party (‘ ‘ the carnival is made for people who tm’ ‘ 2007, P. 3) also reiterates the momesca hierarchy.

These disgnostic, certainly, will not consist in police bulletins nor in the written and said medias, therefore they are looks of desprivilegiadas classrooms e, therefore, of small account to be able it public. Still on the policing, valley to stand out the following depositions: ‘ ‘ all year porrada volume! ‘ ‘ (Eduardo, of the Trindade? 2007, 3 P.) and ‘ ‘ the policy approaches people and it does not want to know who is the person, already it arrives attacking, humilhando’ ‘ (Landmarks, of the Plaza of Rome? 2007, P. 3). This disrespect all crystallizes the unpreparedness and authoritarianism of this corporation that is amestrada for the maintenance of the order, the tranquilidade and the security of the elite, exactly that for this wounds the dignity of other people. The reflections on the momesca folia of the periodic one also present the carnavalizao of Africa through the poem ‘ ‘ Negro’ ‘ , of Luiz Carlos Trindade. In these verses, the poet decides, in full century XXI, to fantasiar itself exactly of itself for ‘ ‘ to stifle and desfilar’ ‘.