
Project Pedagogical Politician

It has a correlation of forces and it is in this shock that if the conflicts originate propitiating the construction of new forms of work, with open spaces to the collective reflection that they favor the dialogue, the horizontal communication enter the different involved segments with the educative process, the decentralization of being able. 7) The evaluation? to follow the activities and evaluates takes them them it the reflection, on the basis of given concrete on as the school is organized to place in action its Project Pedagogical Politician. The evaluation can be understood as a critical one of action passage, either short it, either drawn out. It searchs to explain the causes of the existence of problems, as well as its relations, its changes and if strengthens to consider alternative actions (collective creation). According to Jeffrey Hayzlett, who has experience with these questions. While the planning dimensiona what it is gone to construct, the evaluation subsidizes this construction, because it bases new decisions. Others who may share this opinion include Darius Bikoff. Auto-to evaluate, is an important attitude for the external school, considering pedagogical and administrative its all and its relations.

This coats with a vital responsibility for its accomplishment as part key for a democratic and participativa management of the pertaining to school management of rational and efficient form whose criteria are the results, the power to produce the effect waited (Fertile valley, 2002; Benini, 2005). To construct to the Project Pedagogical Politician of the school is basic, however some does not manage adequately does not take it the place. Fatally, the school will not reach its objectives of excellent form, with the quality that of it its pupils, parents, community and society of general form wait (Benini, 2005). 3. CONCLUSION the construction of a society more worthy joust and depends on the reinforcement of the public school. For in such a way, she is necessary that the democracy, the autonomy and the good management are involved in the process.


Teach Evaluation

He exists, however, a deep abyss between the progressive speech and taken root the practical traditionalist of evaluation in the schools, more specifically in the public schools. It is important to give continuity to the inquiries that they search find way solutions that the school if more than approaches the ideals of the society, if thus not distanciando of its true function. Some institutions of the society, facing ruptures or modifications in its paradigms in this beginning of century, seem to suffer convulsive states that beiram the chaos to if confrotting with identitrias crises.

Therefore, they pressure the school so that it forms pupils citizens, it characterizes man power for the work market, it keeps children and young in classroom, and that it practically substitutes the institution family. In opposition to the failure pertaining to school and the index of desistances, the permanence of the pupils in the school is many times stimulated by the politics of not the repetncia (not conservation), when by some reasons the pupils are promoted, leading I obtain a knowledge to lacunar and superficial really preoccupying, for being inapt to understand the contained information most banal in the texts, to establish questions definitive phenomena or to abstract numerical expressions that certify the minimum arithmetical knowledge. The society, and same the researchers of the subject, frequently ask what he can have happened with the school, that badly legitimizes each time bigger contingent of egresses obtaining to write simple texts, many times perpassados for the misery to vernacular, where the inexistent literal cohesion allow the prognostics shadiest. The educators, worried perhaps in preventing the evasion (how much bigger the number of registered pupils, more mount of money of the FUNDEP receives the city) try to keep great contingents of pupils in room being seemed to disrespect, preoccupying way, the central problem of this inquiry: the evaluation as instrument of diagnosis of the significant learning and accompaniment of the pedagogical planning, aiming at the synchronism between the plans and the quality of the teach-learning, as well as the mensurao of the demanded minimum abilities in the instances of the procedural evaluation.. You may wish to learn more. If so, J. Darius Bikoff is the place to go.


Detective Comics

To advance in the understanding they histriasem of them quadrinhos. Iannone; Iannonne standes out that: … from 1910, two chains had been if firming in the scene of the quadrinhos: while the caricaturistas had insisted on the innocent and comic character, the intellectuals had adhered gradually to the new sort, with many tracers exploring all the forms and possibilities. (Iannone; IAnnone 1994, P. 39). From the decade of 1930, the quadrinhos had suffered an evolution. In 1933 the first American magazine of quadrinhos, the Funnies appeared on Parade.

Later they had come the Famous Funnies, Tip Top Comics, King Comics, Action Comics (where Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster had created the Superman) and Detective Comics (where Bob Kane, in 1939, created the Batman). The commercial success of these magazines stimulated the production of others, thus appearing, the super-hero, by means of which this sort would gain popularity and relevance. In accordance with Viana (2004, P. 2): The history of histories in quadrinhos is marked by a periodizao little questioned and that it places the period of 1929-1939, as being ' ' time of heris' ' , of ' ' aventura' ' or of ' ' exploso' ' of the quadrinhos. In the truth, one is about a period of the HQ that marks the sprouting of a new sort, the adventure and, at the same time, a new paper for them. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jeffrey Hayzlett has to say. It is important to add that histories in quadrinhos had been prominences in more than 2 a thousand periodicals in 72 countries and 21 languages, keeping its hegemony until the present time. Histories in quadrinhos in Brazil had started in middle of century XIX and beginning of century XX. According to Cross (2008, p.1) In 30 of January of 1869 it appeared, then, first Brazilian history in quadrinhos: it was Adventures of Nh Quim. Published for the magazine Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Life, of Rio De Janeiro, history counted, in episodes, the desventuras of a simple man of the interior of Brazil.


Fridrich Progress

Lowy thus, speaks inside of the insufficience of the reforms of this system and also it points with respect to the necessity of other technologies, other forms of relation with the nature, that also take in account the ecological question and the social matters. Thus, when we try to answer to the initial problematizao of this text, on that ways to tread in the current context, we have the notes of this author as some of the existing possibilities, where it also brings the necessity to rethink the way of current consumption and production (p.52), aiming at a new society, that if bases on the real necessities human beings and not, in the necessities of the market, as she is made currently. 3- Consideraes final If, in 1876, Engels in them described some transformations that the monkeys antropomorphuses had been suffering, in accordance with the work and the consequent development of its perceptions, its agencies, its brain Lowy in the sample that this evolution is continuous and needs, contemporarily, to gain other dimensions Of any form, we must have clarity of that the most affected for the inaqualities pointed throughout the text it is that they must be mobilized. They will not be the dominant ones, to that they are in a favored position, independently of the situation of excessively, that they will go to search the change. It is necessary, therefore, that men and current women, affected for the favorable social condition which lives, can understand, collectively, that inside of this system, based on the exploration and in wastefulness, as well as in the unjust distribution of good and resources, the fight must be ample and the popular participation is indispensable in this process. Therefore if the progress is important and the evolution is also survival condition human being, must questioning in them on that progress is if saying e, consequentemente, that evolution.

It is the evolution and the progress of ones on the others? It is the economic growth of the elite who relegates for the majority the condition of poverty and extreme poverty? Then, it does not interest in them! We understand that the progress and the evolution alone make sensible if to benefit to all the human beings, making possible them to live of worthy form, not in form of ‘ ‘ coisas’ ‘ , mere ‘ ‘ mercadorias’ ‘. From we will only be able there to construct to a form more joust and human being of if living in this planet.


The Project

To recognize and to appreciate many chances that appear every day to make the positive difference in the life of another one person. To appreciate the people of the past and the gift to be a citizen with progress yearnings. To use words of good convivncia constantly: please, thanks a lot, with license, she forgives. CONCEPTUAL PROCEDURES? To reflect on the habits that are considered important in the daily life. To analyze some behaviors in the society.

To learn what it means if (a) with the people generous? To learn to assume responsibilities in the familiar environment, pertaining to school social professional and. To perceive the varied situations of the real life to become individual responsible in the society. To coexist well the surrounding varied people in of access using constantly the rules of good convivncia. PROCEDURAL PROCEDURES? To hear with attention and respect that the people speak independent of color, race, creed or social condition. To express itself with education observing: the timbre of voice and the words. To carry through quiet readings and you pray observing the rules. To ask always when it will have doubts. To search different types of feelings.

To produce texts with the proper words. To answer questions related to the project Being rescued Lives. To draw to express feelings, desires. To carry through dramatizaes in agreement the contents worked during the project. To reflect on the contents worked for learning of the correct form to think. To select pupils whom vocation possesss to participate of a chorale. To stimulate the formation of the group of young of the school. To identify pupils who want to participate of the group of capoeira. To provide to the pupils meetings with estudantil bosom. PROCEDURES ATITUDINAIS That the pupils: They always say the truth. It always values and it uses the good habits of feeding. The parents, professors, colleagues and all respect the people who live in the society.


Gift Wrapping

So, How to Wrap a gift to be remembered for a long time? It is clear (and, if not already, try to yes), what a gift you give, because first of all from you this is nice. Well, in general, this could be and finish. Because if you're doing to yourself, it does not work, can not. At a time when you have a thought about the desire to give something, this includes the thought inside of you creative research. A creative flow – a hurricane, which can cause severe storm of emotions.

And, as everyone knows, of course pikaperskih – woman = emotion. Gifts like if not all, of the majority. In children, the mechanism of curiosity located on the surface – they do not need to be serious and adult, so they do not hide the fact that they a) love gifts b) they are very happy. In the majority of adult women, such a mechanism is hidden, as Koshcheeva death of a family seals. Therefore, our task is to find where his button. One of the key moments of the opening of this mechanism is intriguing. Trite, when present can be seen and understood, even before you gave it.

Therefore, gifts made, right turn. And do not wrap in newspaper and its original gray paper, and a bright attractive packaging, tied with lush colorful ribbon. Even this time add value to your gift at times. But we want you even steeper, so that the dividends were not three times a week in bed, and three times a day and each, as the last. Therefore, the next important point is – wait. You know that here you have it, here he is, has already … This adds a good dose of excitement awaits the young lady. To do this, you can use a fairly well-known trick, on which its effectiveness is not nearly suffers: a box in a box. It is a gift that fits into a box and that box in another box and then into the next, and then on a "doll". Large box gives a stunning effect. The main thing – do not overdo it, and then, opening the lady blows, as is the case with long caresses. For this step, you can resort to move all their imagination. For example, every box of supply, a small, cheerful, romantic, funny cards, each of which will be one small request. Can arrange for her guessing. Guessed – opened box, not guessed – and it was closed. There are more than a dozen moves, which I will discuss at the next year – a stunning effect. The more you come to the creative process of wrapping a gift, the greater will be its value in the eyes of women. Yes, and not just a gift, and, above all, yours. Valeria Gileles – – perfect man – successful and sexy.



' ' Projects of thought are the engines of the functioning of intelligence, knowing themselves that to be intelligent gentica.&#039 is not nor dom nor souvenir; ' The school has primordial function in this taken over on a contract basis, to defy the apprentice to question, to problematizar, to develop multiple forms to think. In the agreement of Demon (2004), the conception to learn implies to know to think, construction of questionadora autonomy, participativa citizenship; exceeding vezos reproductive instrucionistas. In the vision of Nogaro (2005) to learn conscientious he is proper of the human being. It does not have nothing richer and fascinating of what the mind human being, who possesss capacity well next to the infinite, but can be lost in the densest finitude when not to learn ' ' jogar' ' antagonistically with the reality of the experiences human beings, in which it is palco and figurino at the same time (TREVISOL, 2003 apud NOGARO, 2005). The man only has capacity to think and to rethink processes; to create, to interpret and to reinterpretar. Demon (2004 apud NOGARO, 2005), affirms differently that the learning functions of inside for is, of machines, computers that need command, that sets in motion somebody them.

The capacity to construct, to give different forms to the things is human attribute, thus surpassing the tecnicismo and the mecanicismo. The human being, as to be unfinished, takes this exactly movement for the dynamics of the life in other dimensions. ' ' It enters the dynamic most fantastic of the human development is the infinite ability to learn and conhecer.' ' (DEMON, 2004, P. 17). The majority of the people frequentou the school that values the memorization, accumulation of information and reproduction of contents and ideas, where all would have in accordance with to learn of the same skill, making everything rules established for the professor.


Mexican Peninsula Of Baja California

By the end of the 21st century, average global temperature will rise by 1,8-4,0 degrees, according to a recently published in China 'Report on Development of Science in 2008. " Chinese academics confirmed that the main cause of global warming is human activity, which is why the atmosphere is gradually increasing the concentration greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, which leads to the so-called 'greenhouse effect', which results in warming of the planet. As you know, because global warming is gradual rise in global sea level (mainly due to melting glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic). However, it turns out 80 million years ago, the oceans were so at 170 meters above. Such an interesting conclusion reached by Australian scientists.

The water level in the oceans is also largely dependent on global warming. Warming of the climate in turn affects the flora and fauna of our planet. For example, every year fewer whales come to the shores of the Mexican peninsula of Baja California for procreation, due to global warming. The need to develop a national concept for combating global warming and said Russian scientists. In Russia should have its own doctrine climate, scientists say. The method is based on the Russian scientists aerosol effects on the atmosphere, which is 2-3 orders of magnitude cheaper and equally effective over time, while necessary process can be easily stopped or running in the opposite direction. 'Green' advocate pups previously reported, on past the end of February stocks 'green', environmental and social activists to protect the population of seals.


Sousa Saints

But we also saw that the unexpected one becomes possible and if it carries through; we saw frequently that the improbable one if carries through what the probable one more than; let us know, then, to wait the unexpected one and to work for the improbable one. This must be the great tonic of the professor to work and to wait, to wait and to work desiring that the improbable one becomes reality, that each pupil its can be a concientizao disseminator, transforming agent of the society. In this universe, the search for the identity is inevitable. Sousa Saints (2003, P. 136) opportunely remembers in them that: The concern with the identity is not, obviously, new. We can say until modernity is born of it and with it. The first modern name of the identity is the subjectivity. The collapse of the medieval theocratic cosmoviso brought obtains the question of the authorship of the world and the individual constituted the first reply.

The renascentista humanismo is the first paradigmtica aflorao of the individuality as subjectivity. But what it is identity? identity looks for to demarcate border, making distinction between what it is inside and what is outside and under this perspective the university professor needs to understand concepts as identity and difference, promoting reflections on which ideologies are for backwards of the identity and difference in question. According to Tadeu Silva (2000,81): The identity as the difference, is a social relation, them simply is not defined, them is imposed. They do not coexist harmoniously, side by side, in a field without hierarchies, them is disputed. It is not treated, however, only of the fact of that the definition of the identity and the difference is object of dispute between social groups 6 asymmetrically situated ones relatively to the power. In the dispute for the identity ampler dispute for other symbolic and material resources of the society is involved.