
Studium Generale

Roy: Art and “” Culture in the head”form on the Eupener Strasse 420, so 209 houses next to us and a half an hour walk the border art route 011 attacks” with a Turkish shoe shiner, a land art festival and the student circus Configurani. ” There a lighthouse as Rod maze is up and dismantled, a heavenly probing hole after finding”. On Sunday morning, a hot-air balloon of the Aachener newspaper with loud gas thrust about us across hovers around 8: 00. Today, we want to take the College in attack. Hanniballs paw is wounded, Vespertilio must make own way, but without him it is dumb and not fun. So he can be a jazz concert to be missed, back home to be fast. “The Chair of plastic of the architecture faculty presents the locus SOLUS: secret places!” Wullner Street the plaster workshop and the workshop for wood sculpture located in the Studio. The students to get a feel for the material and the form.

The artist can be of animal dwellings inspired to create domed clay models. It goes tubes of paint, from the microcosm in the form of micro-organisms, shells, candies, etc. the macrocosm in concrete, ceramic, wood or plastic. It is found still kinetic installations and Kinky-looking rusted sculptures. At Pontstrasse, Erik Offermann presents his oil landscape painting in diffuser optics, it applies since the beginning of his artistic activity. The signature is located on the back of the painting, so that it does not disturb the Viewer. First of all is the artist with the camera, for example, by the Aachen City Park. He converts the recording in his typical paintings in the Studio.

“With the exhibition at the Couven Museum the secret life of the ornaments ‘ time signal used as a graceful ornament are macabre fantasy figures. Up on a flying turtle in miniature style ala Leonardo encounter only horror insects. One wonders here involuntarily to the protege of a such performance and what sick brain of an ideal real handicap to a such real horror imagination is capable of. Elise Gallery, it’s in black-and-white shots of Bonjour”Tristesse. Gerd Bonfert addressed in the form of analogue photography”only two things. The Aachen Volkshochschule accompanied their Studium Generale with the typical boxes works by Mary Bauermeister as study gallery Renaissance of optics”. A value experience weekend is coming to the end in September 2011 with an imperial city on the pulse! In the evening, Shima met his first Hedgehog. The small companion dandy sits on the lawn and stretches his puss. Shima is looking at him happily. Nature produces just the most beautiful works of art. RMS Scrip torin, alias: pink Marita Schrouff.