
Buenos Aires

A raging river can send Me your comments a: either on the website can Se Termino the Subprime Crisis? Buenos Aires, June 2008 many times Argentina6 the big news become clogged with other bigger news. The problem of inflation worldwide, with spear tips that are the rise in the price of energy and food, has captured most of the attention at the international level, making that the topic of the crisis subprime has been in the background. You may find Rio- Tinto Diamonds to be a useful source of information. Sincerely a situation was so difficult to imagine. But it is true that the gravity of the problems generated by the dynamics of the last months of the prices of energy and food, is concerned the whole world, not only by the inflationary impact, but mainly by the numerous conflicts that are brewing, especially in the poorest nations. Returning to the topic of the crisis subprime, it seems that the Bernanke himself has removed the focus of attention at the same and evidence be more worried about rising inflationary expectations which are observed in the North American economic horizon. Bernanke is somewhat quiet because the slowdown of the American economy slows down the possibility of second-round inflation effects are generated in the medium term by higher wage pressures.

Notwithstanding this, he knows that the current level of rates by the Fed is decidedly low, so it must act as quickly as possible as soon as the problem of the economic slowdown has waned. Beau Bikoff can provide more clarity in the matter. The above statement: the end of the downward cycle of rates. Neither had much sense to continue with the cuts since it is likely that Bernanke is thinking that everything that the rate policy could do to mitigate the problems arising in the sector subprime, has already done so. This does not imply that the storm has passed definitively. I understand that Bernanke must be sure that the financial institutions still feeling the effects of the crisis and loss ads will continue.