Summer, sea, beach, sand …. going to the sea, pool, lake or estuary, we wonder what to bring with you to eat? Many skazhut'A I'm not taking anything in, you can buy everything on the beach. " This is certainly true that in our You can buy all the time, and the beaches are teeming with many Bartschik, restaurants on the beach, shops and larkov.No many as I used to take food on the beach from the house, especially with respect to people who have small kids, and that can somewhere not have much trust in the food stalls. Hear other arguments on the topic with Leo Schachter Diamonds. And I'm totally with you my little list soglasna.Predlagayu that you can take a meal on the beach, and spoil that do not stay for a few hours on it. So you can take with you kartofelniki (kartofelniki and all, my family loved with all sorts of fillings such as mushrooms and onions, then you can make with egg and green onions, and sauerkraut), there are options for filling massa.Vy choose from what you ugodno.Sleduyuschim dish, which we almost always take with us, it chops (they can stand in the box a couple of hours and did not happen to them), chops, too, can be prepared in the form of solomonchikov or chops with cheese klyare.Takzhe as the main meat dish can be cooked a delicious chicken wings, thighs or bake in the oven, or if you do not want anything greasy and you have very young kids, then you can just boil kurochku.Poverte in the air it would be an excellent dish, and in addition to vegetables and any greens (vegetables can take any of many-osnovnolm take with them the cucumbers and tomatoes) so in general are just super. Of course all this is necessary to prepare in advance, before, well, those who decided to go to the beach that day saved anything of course hot dogs boiled or purchase pastramoy (by the way good pastrama for several hours at the beach is also not rot), I checked lichno.V as a side dish we all used plain boiled potatoes or potatoes with ukropom.Vse we are accustomed to from childhood, our parents boiled eggs on the beach, and as no surprise that this simple product that house we would not have such a intuziazmom-on the beach leaves for ura.Vy agree with me? On the beach everything is taken from fruits and vegetables is really on the beach at all indispensable product, fruit You can take all they do not like portyatsya.Ya love on the beach, eat a melon, but my husband does not like to drag to the beach and a huge arbuz.Nu people who have a car, it's certainly not a big problem, but if you love the cold melon then what?? We often do so, buy the day before the hike to the beach a watermelon, then cut it and cut off all the skins and cut into small cubes, and send in a large plastic bag and put in a bag-holodilnik.Kstati living in the moment in a very hot country (Israel) started with great success using cooler bag .. It keeps excellent cold for a few kiddies yoghurts chasov.My even take for breakfast on plyazhe.Ne Remember to drink plenty of beach space, especially for children detey.Ne forget to take with a beach hats and sunscreen from solntsa.Priyatnogo and excellent stay at the beach you and your entire family.