

He was widower, the children liveed far, pertos grandsons did not exist, in way that it was completely alone. As it are always a very healthful person, still seemed to be sufficiently strong. She created pigs made one small rocinha. Detestava hen because, according to it, it ciscava everything it ate all the plantations.

The one created only one Peru that gave the name of Gigol. There close also an old one liveed. Also it did not have nobody for it, thus it also lived alone. In contrast the old one, Zenilda (it was the name of the old one) liked to create hens. The hens were untied in the street and fulled the bag of all neighbors. Of all the hens one it were very special.

It was a white, well great, well viosa hen. He was xod of the old one. Vendia it any hen and killed any one, but that one, it did not make use for money some. It gave until a name for this hen: Comadre. Of time in when the hens of Zenilda they escaped and they went to torment neighbors. Run-he runs it behind the hens was almost all days. The old one only it lacked to be crazy when it appeared a hen of the Zenilda in the house of it. It only liked of hen in the plate. On the other hand the Peru of the Zeco of time in when it escaped it went to torment hens of the Zenilda. thus the two neighbors lived fighting. Peru liked exactly was to attack the Comadre hen. The coitada one died of fear of the Peru of old. It was enough it to point the head red in the door that it fell outside.