Untitled DocumentVoc some time needed to write a number for extensive in Excel? In this AddIn (supplement) I use vba Excel 2003, however you can use VB6 with Excel to pack its personalized function. The first step requires the creation of the routine that will install the supplement: Option Explicit Dim ExtensoInstalado The Boolean Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall () ExtensoInstalado = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open () nLista Dim The Boolean Dim nAddIn The AddIn Dim nomeArq The String Will be Each nAddIn In AddIns If nAddIn.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then nLista = True End If Next If Not ThisWorkbook.IsAddin Then Exit Sub Application.Workbooks.Add If Not ExtensoInstalado Then If nLista Not Then AddIns.Add (ThisWorkbook.FullName) MsgBox ' ' The supplement ' Extenso' ' was installed successfully; ' , vbInformation, ' ' Installed supplement ' ' End If nAddIn In AddIns will be Each If nAddIn.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then nomeArq = nAddIn.Title End If Next Application.EnableEvents = Falsifies AddIns (nomeArq). Installed = True Application.EnableEvents = True End If End Sub As all the process is sufficient long, the remain of the code can be lowered in this link for analysis: This personalized function will write numbers for extensive until the house of the trillions of Reals.
Month: October 2013
City of Salvador
The city of Salvador, with its invitations the paradisiacal idealizaes, obtains to occult the reality of its misery and its social conflicts. The media, in turn, divulges the myth of ‘ ‘ Land of the Felicidade’ ‘ the campaigns politics propagate the idea of that the people has ‘ ‘ Pride of to be baiano’ ‘ to enrich the public coffers through the tourism industry. The bare-footed momos, for example, never will appear in the card-postcards and the advertising campaigns. Clearly! If its speeches are inaudveis? The deposition of the inhabitants of the Shelter of the Plaza of Rome on the policemen and the violence (‘ ‘ in the truth they are there for whom they are in blocos’ ‘ 2007, P. 3) and on the party (‘ ‘ the carnival is made for people who tm’ ‘ 2007, P. 3) also reiterates the momesca hierarchy.
These disgnostic, certainly, will not consist in police bulletins nor in the written and said medias, therefore they are looks of desprivilegiadas classrooms e, therefore, of small account to be able it public. Still on the policing, valley to stand out the following depositions: ‘ ‘ all year porrada volume! ‘ ‘ (Eduardo, of the Trindade? 2007, 3 P.) and ‘ ‘ the policy approaches people and it does not want to know who is the person, already it arrives attacking, humilhando’ ‘ (Landmarks, of the Plaza of Rome? 2007, P. 3). This disrespect all crystallizes the unpreparedness and authoritarianism of this corporation that is amestrada for the maintenance of the order, the tranquilidade and the security of the elite, exactly that for this wounds the dignity of other people. The reflections on the momesca folia of the periodic one also present the carnavalizao of Africa through the poem ‘ ‘ Negro’ ‘ , of Luiz Carlos Trindade. In these verses, the poet decides, in full century XXI, to fantasiar itself exactly of itself for ‘ ‘ to stifle and desfilar’ ‘.