For the elaboration of this work we count on I assist of some references bibliographical as well as some consultations in the Internet. It still matters to relate that this work approaches a summary of some part of the electricidade lessons and magnetism, since these item already had been boarding previously during the lessons. Objectivos Explicar the condensers and dielectrics, as well as the electric doublet in an electric field Condensing a History of the Condenser the history of the condensers starts in 1745 with the famous experience of the bottle of Leyden. At this time, the interested parties for the electrostatic fenmenos made several experiences trying to unmask the secrets of a science that did not understand.
The Condensers are component very simple electrnicos, however with great use in circuits. Of the point of view of its construction, the condenser is a composed element for two plates (conducting), between which an insulator exists (dielectric), that it can be air, mica, plastic, oxide or any material that hinder the electric chain ticket. Principle of Functioning the condenser has the capacity to store in its plates, opposing electric loads. Therefore, the total load of a condenser is zero. The property that a condenser has to store electric energy under the form of an electrostatic field is called capacity (c), which is equivalent to the load (q) stored in one determined potential electric one (v) existing between the terminals: The mathematical expression for the calculation of the capacity is: As it can be seen above in the equation, the capacity is the reason between the load stored in the terminals of the condenser and the difference of tension it enters the plates of this.